Forced Circulation Crystallizer
Engineering and Manufacturing Crystallizers for Chemical Process Industries

What are Forced Circulation Crystallizers?
For feeds where high rates of evaporation are required, where there are scaling compounds, where crystallization is achieved in inverted solubility solutions, or where the solution is of relatively high viscosity, the forced-circulation crystallizer is the best choice.
This type of unit – also known as the circulating magma crystallizer or the mixed suspension-mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystallizer – consists of a body sized for vapor release with a liquid level high enough to enclose the growing crystals. Suction from the lower portion of the body passes through a circulation pump and a heat exchanger and returns to the body through a tangent or vertical inlet. The heat exchanger is omitted when adiabatic cooling is sufficient to produce a yield of crystals.
The most common use of this crystallizer is as an evaporative crystallizer with materials having relatively flat or inverted solubility. It is also useful with compounds crystallized from solutions with scaling components.
Forced-circulation crystallizers can be operated on a batch basis, but the most frequent use is in the continuous processing of such materials as sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate monohydrate, citric acid, monosodium glutamate, urea and other similar crystalline materials.